Where a cheap pole-spear makes sense...

In general, I'm not a big fan of the three prong paralyzer heads for the spearfishing I do...

That said, with Lion Fish, the Paralyzer tip makes all kinds of sense and I have been seriously considering adding a cheap fiberglass pole-spear to my quiver as the cost of a paralyzer tip for my current spears is more expensive than the cheapie spear with a fixed head.

Unlike other species Lion Fish are a somewhat easy prey. Since they don't have any natural predators and don't feel the need to get out of your way close shots are easier. Also, being smallish, you don't need the heft or penetration speed of a more expensive pole-spear to do the deed...

The real advantage of the three prong paralyzer tip for Lion Fish however is that it keeps your fish at the other end of the spear unlike other sorts where a good shot might have the fish sliding down the shaft to your hand...
